The first season of the show was released on December 1, 2017. The show has two seasons out so far and Netflix plans to release more in future. The show is in German language but you can also find its English Dubbed version from internet. It has 8.7 ratings out of 10 on IMDb.
Story is a little exciting, suspenseful and confusing. There are four timelines running in the show at the time; 1921, 1954, 1986 and 2019.
First episode of the first season starts with a man who is writing a suicide note and when finishes, hangs himself. He has a son named Jonas Kahnwald (Louis Hofmann). He is simple guy. He has friends named Magnus Nielsen, Bartosz Tiedemann, Martha Nielsen and Franziska Doppler. There is a little boy, brother of Magnus and Martha, Mikkel Nielsen. He is a fan of the great magician Houdini.
There is a cave near the town and also a nuclear power plant. Some people have managed to use the energy from the plant to make a Time Machine work. You can travel 33 years in past or 33 years in future using the machine. There is a mysterious man named Noah who is behind the disappearance of the kids among which the Nielsen boy is included. He disappeared in the first episode when they were at the cave for another boy's things who already had disappeared. He travels back to 1986 and a nurse named Ines Kahnwald adopts him and takes him home, the same home in which Jonas and Hannah (his mom) Kahnwald are living at the present time (2019).

The Time Machine thing gradually gets viral among some common people of the town. Mikkel's father Ulrich Nielsen finds the mystery of the time travel and figures out that his kid has traveled back in time and they have been wasting their time in searching for him. He doesn't know how to make it work properly so he travels to 1953 where he finds his grandfather as a kid.
That mysterious man Noah and his club had killed two kids there and Ulrich was found near their bodies and he was arrested for it.
There is another man with burnt face and really old in the year 1921 who is controlling all of this. They call is cycles. They are going to kill all the people to make this world a better place.
Ulrich Nielsen tried to tell the people in 1953 about what had happened to him but, of course, they weren’t going to believe him. They locked him up and then he was sent to hospital for treatment and then in 1986 he saw a picture of Mikkel from a police officer who had investigated him back in 1953 and now was near his retirement. He wasn’t sure but he thought that the time travel was possible. Ulrich asked him where Mikkel was and went to him. They were about run when they were caught. Mikkel remained in 1986 forever. He was raised there and he was married to Hannah Kahnwald.
Jonas was in love Martha who was his aunt. When Hannah, Katharina (Mikkel’s mother) and the other found this truth, they didn’t believe but then they proved to it.
Another Jonas from 2053, the future, has come to 2019. He was the stranger but then he told them who he was. Younger Jonas is in 2053. Ulrich was in 1986. Mikkel was renamed to Michael.
Know you must ask a question. Why in the shit would he commit suicide? The answer to this question is; Jonas thought that if went back in time at the right time and tell his father not to do this, he would save his father. But Michael wasn’t going to commit it until he was told by his son. As he had also traveled through time so he knew about how it worked. He said that if this is what happen then I must commit it.
There is another lady named Claudia. She is the daughter of the police inspector. Her older-self went back in 1986 and gave the time machine to her younger self so that she could travel and so cycle continuous to go on.
Now the best part, the man as I mentioned before with burnt face is also Jonas Kahnwald from the future. The younger Jonas knows that now and he is trying prevent himself from becoming that version of himself in the future. But Burnt-Face Jonas tells him that he remember all of it what he was doing and this was not going to change shit.
In last episode of the second season, Martha dies which Jonas also thought that he wouldn’t let happen but it happened just like it was supposed to. She was killed by himself but his Burnt-Face version. When she was dead, another Martha appears but she said that she wasn’t what he thought and that is the end.
Personal Experience
My personal experience was splendid. I watch a lot. This was one of the best I have watched so far. And I can’t wait for the next season to come. And if you ask me about whether you should watch it or not? Well, I highly recommend it.
There were also some personal point of view. There is a scientist in the story who creates the Time Machine. He created it even before he knew about it. The Travelers brought him his book from the future along with blue prints of it. They said that he hasn’t written it yet but he will in the future. Now, if he hasn’t written it yet and he knows the book before he writes it then how would’ve he written for the first time. I mean, there is supposed to be a book which is written by him to be found in the future. I don’t know if you understand what I am saying but this is really confusing to me.
So this was it. I hope you enjoyed reading it and watch it if you haven’t already. There are a lot more things to explain but I would’ve made the article lengthier and maybe boring for you. So if you think there is any good in it to be watched, watch it. I’ll see you in another story. Until then take care and good-bye.
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